at home self mobility assessment: a step by step guide to identify breaking points, before they break
A major contributor to why people don't persist with or achieve their health or performance goals is due to getting injured or lacking confidence in their body after injury.
What causes injury?
One key factor is poor joint mobility (the ability for one bone to articulate with another). This means if one joint is compromised, then another joint (and muscles) will have to "pick up the slack" and work harder than they should, leading to overuse and pain.
How to fix?
To prevent or reduce the risk of injury it's important to know whether you have poor or good mobility and control of your body so you know where you to start with getting your body performing efficiently and at it's optimal.
Download the Self Mobility Assessment to discover what's holding you back from becoming the fittest, strongest and fastest you've ever been.

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not sure if this is for you?
here's what our current clients have to say.

My original goal was just to be able to touch my toes but after accomplishing that goal in my first session we then moved on to my next goal...
Being able to play soccer again pain free!
It’s now 2020 and I’m excited to say I've played the last 2 seasons pain-free and confidently after over three years out of the game!
The process has been long and very challenging at times, however, I don't think I ever would have gotten to this point if it wasn't for the team at ETR, their knowledge, passion and commitment to helping people is first class.

Before training with ETR I was challenged with mobility concerns to the thoracic & shoulders. I can’t remember ever being able to extend my arms straight up over-head whilst training with kettlebells & Barbells. I used to force myself to adopt certain positions while training which resulted in chronic thoracic tension, discomfort and pain. Massage and chiropractic care were regular rituals of mine. My performance eventually plateaued and then I received a rotator cuff injury as i tried to push through it, followed by a hip INjury.
Que ETR… I’ve been actively working with Jason since July 2017 and am currently experiencing the best condition of my adult life.
I feel stronger, more robust yet flexible as well and I have lost the chronic muscular tension I used to suffer from.
I'm happy that I have adopted a motor capacity that is conducive to good health and sustained performance.

In June 2017 I was recommended by a friend to go and chat to Jason at Earn the Right after a labrum tear in my right hip.
I was told that surgery would be my only option moving forward if I wanted to get rid of the pain I was suffering and eventually getting me back on track to start running again.
When I meet Jason I was suffering from hip pain every day and was dosing up on painkillers to reduce the pain.
I think it took about 6 sessions with Jason for my glutes to fire and with doing my exercises I was given to do each day I was pain free!
I would highly recommend Jason and ETR to anyone looking to remove pain and improve their fitness or just trying to get their body functioning well.